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My 3 Tip to get back into Gym based training after Lock-down!

So we’ve been given the news that the gyms will be opening their doors again on the 25th and we will be able to get back to training how we like and lift some weights again!

Which I can’t wait for!

But if you’ve been at home for 3 months and not really training as much as you would do normally, ie bench press, deadlifts & squats, and you haven’t been able to train the same way you’re used to, what’s the best way to get back into training again?

Well here’s my run down of the Top 3 quick tips of what to do to get back into training again!

1) Focus on skill acquisition. Don’t go back into the gym trying to lift your old weights or beat your 1 rep max, that’s going to end in a very bad way for you. I would hope that would be common sense! If you don’t own weights at home your body unfortunately has become Deconditioned to train in that way, ie strength training with that weight, so if you attempt to jump straight back in where you left off your body is on a completely different timeline to your mentality and you will either end up incredibly sore for the next few days and unable to do anything else, or you could get injured and back out of the gym again for another few weeks. I’m sure neither of them are what you want to achieve in your first week back in the gym! So instead look at it as though you are learning the movement patterns and the exercises again. You want to become the best at executing your exercise selection with as near perfect form as you can. Try and leave a few reps in the tank as well, you don’t want to be going anywhere near failure in the first week at least, then after a few weeks of doing that you should be in a great position to start really pushing some good weight again!

2) Follow a progressive training plan that applies progressive overload. Like the old saying goes, ”If you fail to plan you plan to fail”. We need a road map for us to follow to take you from where you are right now to where you want to be, which links up with the first tip DON’T START FROM WHERE YOU WERE POST LOCKDOWN! This way we can achieve our goal and apply progressive overload through having a Periodised plan, which is the planning and organisation of our training. This then puts us in a much better position to achieve what we have set out to achieve. This way every exercise and workout has a purpose and reason behind it to allow you to progress to your next workout the next day and the next week!

3) Set a Goal! Without a goal we have no direction to work in! We need to know what we are training to achieve otherwise we can’t put a plan together! Also make it realistic, don’t set a goal that’s too hard to achieve. Remember we are just getting back into training so your body will be Deconditioned (unless you have a home gym) to training like you were post lockdown. Let’s get some quick wins and get the momentum running in your favour so then you’re riding the wave of success and have your confidence sky high again!

So there’s 3 quick tips. Remember to apply these into your plan to entering the gym again! They will put you on the right path to getting some great results and transitioning back into training hard again!

If you would like any advice on how to put this together and get a plan in place get your FREE KICK START CALL HERE and we can get you a solid plan put in place to get you some great results!

Or get your slot on The Performance Physique which helps you transform your physique, fitness and athleticism rather than getting lost in all the contradicting information out there. You will get the road map to achieving the results you've been looking for, and not only get a great physique but also be built to move like an athlete while feeling great in your own skin again!




Summers Strength & Performance


Loughborough, UK

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