When it comes to achieving your summer body - nutrition is vital! Are you eating the right amount of calories to achieve this? Sometimes we believe that we are eating the correct calories but little simple changes can make a massive difference to our calorie intake! Simple things like portion sizes can make big differences to whether we are in a calorie surplus or a calorie deficit for example if you have a bowl of oats in the morning for breakfast the difference between 100 grams of oats and 150 grams of oats (which to the untrained eye can look very similar) is around 181 kcals!
Now that's 181 additional calories just from breakfast and that's without even adding the milk or what ever you are mixing it with!
This can continue happen all the way through the day first breakfast then dinner and then followed by tea, by the end

of the day you have added nearly 550 extra calories to your diet.
Eating out can be a big one as well for example when we go out to eat people will go for the salad on the menu 🥗 The reason why as we are led to believe that these are the lighter alternative when they can be when they are on there own. Unfortunately though most people don’t take into account the dressings which are put on top of the salads these alone can put them in more of a calorie surplus than any of the dishes on the menu!
So I ask you are you getting your portion sizes correct or are you just guesstimating? Sometimes just a little bit more time taken to make sure we are getting the correct amount of food will make the difference between whether we are going to achieve our goal or not going to achieve it! The first step I would advise is to start weighing your food, I know that doesn’t sound fun

But bare with me here you will begin to gain more of an understanding for caloric content of food.
The second step is to start reading the labels of the food you are eating so you can understand the macro nutrition's for that food.
If you find this difficult try using something like my fitness pal to gain more of an understanding (just beware as not all the foods are 100% accurate)
Or if you are really serious about getting your nutrition on point consult with a nutritionist and I mean a real one not some guy/girl on Instagram with pics of them with there abs out.
By implementing these steps you will then be able make a more calculated and more accurate guess of foods nutritional worth in future and definitely be on your way to getting your nutrition back on track and smashing your goals.
I hope you found this helpful as always if you need any more help book in for your FREE consultation today and lets transform your life!