Have the foundations in place when you want to build the body you want.
What do I mean by foundations?
It means having compound exercises as your cornerstone to build your programs around and creating your body equally and balanced.
Now compounds are so much more than
just deadlifts, squats and bench they are all the exercises you do when you are moving two joints in one exercise, and having to work multiple muscles so things like lunges, dips and military press and many more are all compound's so you need these to be included in your programs.

And to create balance we need to ensure we write our programs correctly and work all our muscles equally while working hard on our weaknesses for our body to develop, otherwise we just build on top of them and they will come back later to haunt us.
If we don't get our foundations right we end up like the leaning tower of pisa which was built on soft foundations, if anyone built anymore ontop of that then it's all comeing down!
But what's that got to do with us Tom?
Well our body's work as a whole on a day to day basis all the muscles work together to make us move and do things. If we don't build all our muscle equally and in a working pattern together we form cracks in our body (not literally cracks 😅)
Weak points such as lagging body parts, if we continue to build on top of these weak points without addressing them they end up like everything else, they get worse then we can cause injury and imbalances.
Unfortunately they don't just sort themselves out on there own, we need to fix them!

Because we don't want to end up crooked and bent out of shape like the leaning tower we want to build our body's big and strong and able to withstand what we put it through, like empire state building.
And the way you do this is by building your foundations nice and strong start with important movements, ie the compounds concentrate on these and nail them down and to work on the weak points of your body till they are just as strong as your strongest points.
Remember take your time and build from the ground up, the fastest way to progress is to make our weaknesses as strong as our strengths.